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EDUC 9557 Group Facilitation and Educational Consulting

Price: $249.99

This course is designed to teach effective communication in the instructional coaching practice by
empowering teachers in powerful dialogue and listening, emboldening administrators to coach staff as a
framework for their leadership, and bolstering itinerant staff in their roles as helping professionals to charge
the academic environment with communicative processes that can be used with staff and students to
increase teacher achievement and heighten student expectations. Students learn effective ways to
facilitate groups, set up workshops, and training techniques as a blend to the coaching communication.
In this course, participants will be able to define and utilize the six main attributes of effective coaching
communication. After taking this course, participants will be theoretically informed and ready to support
their instructional coaching processes by using these communication practices with staff and modeling them
to students in the classroom. This is the second course in the instructional coaching series and will enable
participants to begin coaching in the educational environment.