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LEAD 8004 Women's Leadership Certificate Program

Price: $999.99

Enroll now. Classes start mid-January. Cohorts are welcome and encouraged!  

Comprised of four courses, this program includes eight topics in each course. The topics are
research-based, relevant, engaging, and meaningful. 

The online, self-paced courses are delivered through our easy-to-use, Internet Learning Portal.
We meet weekly via Go To Meeting to learn, hang out, and network with other like-minded professionals.
The idea is to build our network while we learn. After completing the program, you will earn 12 graduate
level semester credits from Brandman University. 

And, unlike many other programs where you have to purchase Continuing Education Credits in addition
to the price of the program, the cost of the credits for this program have been built-in. You don't need
that hassle or extra expense, We handle that for you. 

Finally, after you complete all of the four courses, you will earn a Certificate in Women's Leadership. 

This certificate is awarded by military-friendly Brandman University in partnership with
Leadership via Design.

LEAD 8000 Introduction to Women's Leadership 

This course examines the multiple functions of leadership that apply directly to women based on
research and the professional experiences of women taking the course. Before starting the course,
women take an initial pre-assessment. Results are clustered for meaning. Relevant themes drive
discussions and activities. From current research, women will learn about Executive Presence,
Expanding Influence for Promotion, Gender-Based Leadership Styles, Networking with Other Women,
Managing Virtual Teams, understanding the Financial Aspects of Business, Leadership Communication,
and Navigating Organizations More Effectively. Women are able to read relevant text, interact with
other women on a shared journey, and develop an Action Plan. Women will unravel their own goals
and aspirations through activities and personal exercises (not Yoga) intended to prepare women for
what's next. 

LEAD 8001 Women's Leadership Skills in the Workplace

This course examines the multiple theories of leadership and how these theories relate to
leadership skills in the workplace. During this course, women learn how to administer leadership
assessments that relate to leadership. These ungraded assessments help women leaders determine
their particular leadership skills, traits, and styles. Women will also watch a series of films that
depict women leaders in various situations.  Genres will vary.  Women should plan to share
their favorite movie, artifact, or song that depicts women leaders. Next, women will practice
assessments by applying them to females in movies. As a result, women will come away with
a deeper awareness of their own skill-set, plan ways to overcome obstacles depending on
assessment outcomes, avoid pitfalls common to women leaders, and set meaningful goals
to develop their own personal and professional influence in the workplace.
No fluff. Real learning. Definitive outcomes.

LEAD 8002 Career Advancement for Women Leaders

This course enables participants to identify and analyze potential obstacles in their
career path. These obstacles vary and may include motherhood, a lack of intentionality
regarding promotion, a desire to avoid the pitfalls of responsibility in promotions and
uncertainty about how to advance on a given career path. Career growth and planning
often occur at different times for women, because women sometimes choose family
or job preference over advancement. This course helps women better understand
their internal and professional career drivers, enables women to establish a path for
career advancement, nurtures their leadership skills, and assigns a gap analysis.
Women answer internal questions reflectively, communicate in a safe setting, and
improve their internal and external network. Women work from case studies to craft a
narrative that can be used to establish meaningful goals. Women conclude the course
with a clearer path and time-driven goals for navigating their career.

LEAD 8003 Women's Leadership Capstone

This Capstone Course allows women to pursue a self-study and create a resulting
portfolio, presentation, or publication to develop their leadership framework and 
take on the world. For example, women may choose to select a female leader from the
Forbes Top 100,  research, read about, or interview that woman, and then design and
share a presentation.  Women may select a fellow employee (male or female) and seek
mentorship. If women decide they would like to seek a promotion, this course enables women to
hone their resume, identify positions, create a path towards promotion, and work towards that goal.
A list of potential projects will be shared during the first week of the course. Women check-in during
our weekly meetings to share progress, seek feedback and work on their projects. Women
conclude the course with a celebration and by sharing their artifact, establishing a project map,
and planning next steps.